Feb 6, 2013

iHeart Organizing

Sorry for the delay in posting. Things get kind of hectic around here sometimes. Operating a business, being a mommy of 2 under 3, staying on top of daily activities, as well as all of children's activities can really become overwhelming at times. For me the best way to handle things is to stay ORGANIZED! To update my calendars and sync it with my husband, try to plan meals and snacks so I don't have to run to the store a million times a week, and wallpaper my walls with post it notes. LOL! :)

Recently, while hanging out on pinterest looking for ways to better organize my daughters ever growing toy collection I came across the blog iHeart Organizing. The blog was filled with wonderful organizing tips, but the thing that stuck out to me, was her household management binder. Talk about AMAZING! I mean why haven't I hear of these before? One should be passed out to each couple as a wedding gift! I'm telling you AMAZING! So after spending 2 days reading her various post about the binder, and researching other similar binders, I decided to create my own. If you know me personally you know how much I love creating forms and spreadsheets, so for the next 3 days I was in 'get organized heaven'.

I started with my cover sheet, creating something neutral toned that my husband wouldn't mind looking at, and with little stars, because well... we are all stars in my book. ;)

I then added a pocket to hold my coupon pouch, pencils, a calculator, a dry erase marker and at some point our check books.

After that I created my first section, Household. In this section I have a sheet 'Important Information' that list all the important numbers we call regularly. This saves us the time of looking things up online when we need to. (GENIUS! I KNOW!!!)

I also have a page of little pockets to put all those business cards that tend to clutter the fridge, my purse, and get scattered around the house. 

I then created an automobile log, so we can keep track of car maintenance without trying to shuffle through glove compartments for service receipts. 

Next, I added the important date sheet followed by a pocket folder so that I can keep track of family important dates, relative birthdays, and so on, I added a pocket after this sheet so I can keep cards that I find throughout the year for those occasions!

In this section I also have a password log for our various shared accounts password and user names, there is a family wish list, and a family outing ideas sheet; This way we can keep track of these thoughts and ideas. Lastly, this section has a household cleaning plan, and a household maintenance schedule, that way everyone knows what needs to be done, and when so they can possibly lend a helping hand if they have time.

The next section I created is our finance section. This section has a Finance Checklist that list the bills that need to be paid that month, and when they are due. No more hunting my hubby down, or calling companies for due dates. I also have our monthly budget sheet, and our savings plan. My husband and I sit down at the end of each month and determine what our budget for the next month should be and determine what we should do with any extra money.

The last section is Food. In this section I have a freezer inventory sheet so that I can plan meals according to what I currently have; a meal planner sheet so that I can try to shop more efficiently and ensure that I am cooking lots of healthy meals for the family instead of eating out when things get super busy in the week; and baseball card pockets for coupons! I also plan on hole-punching and placing a few favorite recipes in this section for easy access.

Lastly, the binder has a 'To-Do' pocket where I place things that need my attention, a tab for school newsletters and dance class related items, and of course any good organizational tool wouldn't be complete without that wonderful "Misc" section. ;)

I am so excited about this binder! What would you put in yours if you created one?